HTS Labs

For Sale: MobiLab V2.0

a fully equipped & mobile S2 laboratory


Innovative sequencing for more biological discoveries

The NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems are enabling biological insights with breakthrough innovative features thoughtfully designed in a compact, yet versatile platform. With up to 14 configurations and read lengths from 1 × 50bp to 2 × 300bp, these systems efficiently handle benchtop workflows with flexibility and scalability.

Efficient design combined with intuitive workflows deliver ease of use while driving down costs and minimizing waste. Confidently expand your research with single-cell and spatial sequencing and other emerging applications with the NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems.


Robust performance powered by an intuitive workflow

These systems offer operational ease and onboard informatics, simplifying workflows for both new and advanced users.  Advanced XLEAP-SBS chemistry, built on the proven foundation of standard Illumina SBS chemistry, enables faster and higher quality sequencing than ever before. Coupled with high-efficiency and low-cost workflows, the NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Sequencing Systems deliver technological advancements for diverse sequencing applications. (Text von

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For all inquiries and the acquisition of laboratory equipment, our competent contact person Michael Bonin is at your disposal. 

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